Here you could find some of the hobby projects I have been working on! I am mainly interested in complex dynamic multi-user applications and building static websites.
PWA that controls wireless music instruments via MIDI over WebRTC and produces sound output. A separate wireless connected device can additionally be connected to quality loudspeakers. PWA orchestrates all music instruments and can add additional sounds such as drum sounds or various effects.
Decentralized generative art project living on Ethereum blockchain. Rarity of unique digital collectibles (ERC721 NFTs) is determined by pseudo-randomly assigned traits and also how someone's wallet balance at the time of minting compares with the wallet balance of previous minters at the time they minted their token.
I worked as full-stack software developer at NAIX GmbH, a Cologne-based startup developing an anonymization tool that automatically redacts personally identifiable information (PII) of a variety of data types. Anonymization leads to GDPR-compliant data. In Germany’s largest GDPR case so far, NAIX has prevented a global fashion retailer to be penalized for an extra, nine-digit fine for mishandling employee PII. I was particularly involved in API development with Laravel and Vue frontend development.
I worked as research assistant closely with PhD students on a research project of RWTH Aachen University realized by the Controlling Group and Software Engineering Group. We built a software generator that generates the complete application infrastructure, the application’s backend, and frontend of a sophisticated multi-user web-application by giving it models as input written in domain-specific languages. By software generation, a lot of otherwise handwritten application code can be automatically generated. Think of OpenAPI/Swagger but way more powerful.
I assisted in the lecture "Databases and Information Systems" and was involved in the creation of the exercises and the correction of some of the submitted solved tasks of the students.
Conceptualized collaborative web application in which users work mainly on a board that contains multiple vertical lists in which they add, delete, modify and move around cards that represent some work to be done or some other information crucial for the user
With the conceptualized AR furniture app named FurnitAR one can furnish a room with augmented reality technology. The app allows placing pieces of furniture virtually in one's apartment and allows users to get an accurate impression of the size, design and functionality of the furniture in one's own home.
An app that guides you to learn new content while studying. It is possible to set a timer to be able to work focused in time. Through the app you also have an overview of learning methods such as the Eisenhower Matrix.